Facilities Need Stronger Healthcare Data Security

Facilities Need Stronger Healthcare Data Security
Does your organization need Stronger Healthcare Data Security? Last year was a record year for Data Breaches and Healthcare information is now more vulnerable than ever. According to a gemalto report “Healthcare organizations encountered the greatest number of breaches among all other industries in 2017.”
Given the forces at play, healthcare data security is top of mind. Healthcare providers need to make sure patient data is secure. Layering your technology is highly recommended by Cyber Security Professionals. One type of technology to include in your stack is Multi-factor Authentication (MFA). This gives your IT department control over secure passwords and reduces the threat of weak password creation and management.
MFAs also provides the ability for single sign on to make it easier for users to access their applications. Rather than memorizing different passwords, users login once and connect to all associated applications.
Items to consider when looking at MFA’s for your organization:
Will it full-fill HIPAA and HITECH Logon Requirements?
Will it provide Secure Logon Access into EMR Data?
Is it Card-based, Multi-Factor Authentication?
Does it work with existing physical access badges?
Does it work on Cloud, Enterprise Servers, Small Business, Networks, or Stand Alone Computers?
These are just a few questions to ask when evaluating solutions. There is not one solution that will protect your data. For Healthcare Data Security, it is recommended to find the best stack of solutions to meet your organizational needs.
For more information, contact us at consulting@ncntechnology.com
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