Ideas to Build an Uplifting, Engaging Presence on Social Media in 2021

Sharon Muniz
February 24, 2021
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Ideas to Build an Uplifting, Engaging Presence on Social Media in 2021

Are you wondering how your business can interact on social media in effective, positive ways in 2021? The waters of social media are more challenging to navigate than ever before! Unfortunately, the social space in social media can become contentious quickly! This can make some brands feel reluctant to participate. However, there are many ways to keep the conversation friendly and positive while also establishing your brand as an authority in your niche. Take a look at these ideas for boosting your social media presence!


Focus on Providing “Hacks” and Tips for Social Media


It’s not necessary to use social media to provide commentary. Distinguish your brand from the chatter by using social media as a place where your brand shares useful tips and information regarding your niche or industry. For instance, a company specializing in fixing appliances can provide daily tips for keeping appliances in top condition. This is the type of content that adds value to timelines!


Get Rid of a Platform


If you feel strained by the need to maintain too many social media accounts, 2021 might be the year to lighten your load. There’s no need to try to make your brand king of all platforms. If you’re barely getting engagement on a platform because it’s clearly not where your demographic spends time, consider dropping it. This will give you more time to commit to a platform that does generate better engagement levels.


Move to Your Own App


Consider directing customers to your own app for in-app purchases and offers. Customers who are staying away from social media in 2021 may appreciate having an opportunity to keep up with your brand using push notifications instead of engaging on major platforms. An app is a great way to drive conversions.


Audit Your Bio


How is your bio looking? If you haven’t updated your bio since signing up for social media, give it a revamp for 2021. Make sure the link in your profile takes visitors to a landing page where they can sign up for more information! This is also a time to make sure your bio represents the most important thing about your brand in 2021.


Engage in Giveaways and Collaborations


Consider revitalizing your social media accounts with fun giveaway contests and collaborations this year! Investing in giveaways is a great way to gain followers and grow engagement. In addition, doing paid collaborations with influencers in your niche is a great way to build brand trust.


Send Direct Messages


If you’re a small business, reaching out to your customers with exclusive, private coupons and offers is a great way to make them feel special! Even something simple like a free sample or generous coupon can help to build brand loyalty. Many people are more eager than ever to support local businesses.


If your social media presence has been lackluster, make this the year you think outside the box a little. A few small tweaks can make your brand appear much more exciting and vibrant! Don’t forget that building up a strong list of followers can also boost your ability to successfully advertise on social media through paid ads.



About the Author

Sharon Muniz

Sharon Muniz established her software development consulting firm in Reston, VA after 15 years of working in the software industry. NCN Technology helps clients implement best practices and software to drive their business to success. Ms. Muniz is skilled at strategic planning, business process management, technology evaluation, project and agile software development methodologies.

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