Mobile Healthcare Applications: Improving Patient Experience

Sharon Muniz
May 21, 2019
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Mobile Healthcare Applications: Improving Patient Experience

Technology once carried an intimidating stigma for healthcare. A focus on digital solutions, mobile healthcare applications are transforming patient experience.

Healthcare made simple? There’s an app for that.

2019 is looking like the year of the patient-centric approach. And healthcare apps are assisting with the patient experience. It’s no wonder the market for medical-related phone applications is worth $2.4 billion.

Healthcare providers have been searching for new ways to improve patient satisfaction. And healthcare apps may be exactly what they need to do it.

Want to know how mobile healthcare applications are helping providers put patients first? Get to know what’s happening in the industry here.

Healthcare Mobile Apps and the Patient-Centered Approach

In the past decade, healthcare mobile app development has been focusing on how to improve the patient experience.

Physicians are required to take an oath to put patients first. But with so many patients and so little time, this requirement is sometimes easier said than done.

That’s why easy-to-use healthcare apps are so exciting for patients and providers alike. They offer physicians and nurses the ability to communicate with patients more easily. And they offer patients the opportunity to take control of personal health records.

From weight management to women’s health, there are applications to track every aspect of well-being. Smart bands to more easily measure heart rate and blood pressure have been around for a while. But people can now interface those results to inform doctors about their vitals.

Applications to remind both doctors and patients about appointments help reduce confusion. Some apps also help patients communicate with doctors in-app via a chatbox or over a video call.

All these capabilities are making it easier for patients to be heard. And there are statistics that show it’s working. More than 75% of people love using mobile healthcare apps to supplement their needs.

With an excellent mobile application, healthcare providers can improve patient satisfaction. And they can do it at no cost or inconvenience to doctors and nurses.

More Benefits of Mobile Healthcare Applications

Mobile apps for health care aren’t just helping providers improve patient satisfaction. They’re benefiting almost every aspect of the medical world.

Here are 3 more ways they’re improving the patient experience.

  • Telemedicine improvements
  • The democratization of access to health records
  • Faster and more convenient payment

Mobile medical apps provide transparency to patients who want to be more involved in their health and wellness. This will lead patients to feel more empowered, connected, and in control of their own health.

The Future of Healthcare Application Development

As the mobile health application market continues to grow, the focus will turn from the development of products. Instead, efforts will focus on marketing and training.

Training is especially important for Senior citizens. This demographic isn’t as familiar with mobile apps. But developers recognize this problem and are making healthcare apps simpler to use.

Mobile healthcare applications aren’t the only technology affecting senior citizens. Visit our blog for more updates on the technology affecting you and your health.


About the Author

Sharon Muniz

Sharon Muniz established her software development consulting firm in Reston, VA after 15 years of working in the software industry. NCN Technology helps clients implement best practices and software to drive their business to success. Ms. Muniz is skilled at strategic planning, business process management, technology evaluation, project and agile software development methodologies.

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