Senior Living Marketing Strategies: 5 Best Practices

Sharon Muniz
July 22, 2019
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Senior Living Marketing Strategies: 5 Best Practices

Senior living marketing requires a unique approach. That’s because you’re not just selling a product. You’re presenting a way of life that shows it’s never too late to enjoy the quality of life.

You’re also showing families their loved ones will be in good hands. That’s an important responsibility.

In the following article, we’ll be showing you what to do to make sure everyone is enthusiastic about your facility. Let’s begin!

1. Highlight Your Amenities

According to the National Council for Aging Care, independent living is the top living arrangement choice for today’s seniors. But seniors have choices. To “sell” them on your particular brand, you have to feature the amenities that are going to appeal to that sense of independence.

Take stock of what your best ones are. Place them front-and-center on your website. Make sure you’re showing off both in-house and nearby amenities as well as any transportation choices.

2. Discuss Meal Plans

Who doesn’t love to eat? An enjoyable meal goes a long way into establishing quality-of-life. Promote the kitchen schedule, and update your menus every day or week so seniors know what to expect each day.

Also, make this information prominent on your site so family members and seniors can easily keep up with things. This gives peace of mind that your facility is providing proper nourishment and delicious food options, and it will aid your digital marketing efforts.

3. Talk About the Options to Maintain Independence

Certain health limitations do come with aging. What healthcare assistance options do you have to assist? Promoting those through your site gives prospects the information they need to make a decision.

From a marketing standpoint, it helps you know the type of prospect you have up front. This gives you the ability to better promote any relevant services, and it gives the prospect full disclosure about what you can do for them.

4. Spare No Detail in Your Living Quarters

Your web design should provide a full experience of what it’s like to live at your facility. Consider options like 360-Degree Video to give the prospect a fully immersive experience. This helps you show up rooms, layout, bathroom and shower quality, and space in a way that’s less-limited from standard image posting.

5. Master Your Web Appeal

With best practice Nos. 1-4, we covered the must-have content you need to feature in your marketing. Now let’s talk about the rest.

Your website is your greatest marketing tool, so it needs to load quickly, navigate easily, and be mobile-friendly. Beyond that, there’s social networking.

Social networks are where most of your prospects and their family members will be the most active online. Secure your brand identity on the platforms you plan to use.

Facebook and Instagram are particularly effective for facilities because you can directly target your audience,  they emphasize visual marketing components And there’s a lot of people using them.

Check your branding on your networks-of-choice to maintain consistency and ensure they are featured prominently on your website’s home page.

Senior Living Marketing Is About Visualization

You must go beyond simply telling prospects who you are and what you have to offer. It’s about helping them visualize themselves at your facility. Contact NCN Marketing today if you’re ready to master your senior living marketing touch.


About the Author

Sharon Muniz

Sharon Muniz established her software development consulting firm in Reston, VA after 15 years of working in the software industry. NCN Technology helps clients implement best practices and software to drive their business to success. Ms. Muniz is skilled at strategic planning, business process management, technology evaluation, project and agile software development methodologies.

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