Why Your Business Needs an Environmental-Responsibility Statement for 2021

Sharon Muniz
January 29, 2021
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Why Your Business Needs an Environmental-Responsibility Statement for 2021

Does your brand have an environmental-responsibility statement? This should be a priority objective for 2021 if you haven’t drafted one yet. Countless studies are showing that people are actively choosing brands that make their sustainability efforts more transparent.he findings of a recent survey regarding customer attitudes toward brands that practice environmental responsibility:


● 87 percent of consumers have a more positive image of a company that supports environmental issues.
● 88 percent are more loyal to a company that supports environmental issues.
● 87 percent would buy a product with an environmental benefit if given the opportunity.
● 92 percent are more likely to trust a company that supports environmental issues.

Countless studies are showing that people are actively choosing brands that make their sustainability efforts more transparent. The reality is that your company is probably already focusing on environmental sustainability in a variety of big and small ways. However, you don’t have to be at “peak” environmental sustainability to put out a “brand responsibility” statement. Many environmental-responsibility statements include future benchmarks currently being worked on to become a more environmentally sustainable, responsible company. Let’s cover some ways to put environmental commitments at the forefront if you’re a smaller business.

Highlight the Sustainable Practices You’re Already Following

When highlighting your brand’s commitment to environmental sustainability, it’s easiest to start with the things you’re already doing right. This is a chance to highlight the built-in ways that your company operates responsibly and ethically. If you’re an e-commerce brand, you might want to highlight the fact that your transactions are paper-free processes. It might be a good idea to highlight the way your shopping app allows people to store and access their order histories without the need to print out receipts.

Highlight Eco-Friendly Practices at Your Office of Headquarters

Customers may be interested to know that your brand’s offices are designed with eco-friendly, sustainable practices in mind. This is a chance to highlight your office’s paper-free policy. Share the fact that you provide incentives for employees who use public transportation or reveal that you have a work-from-home policy to reduce carbon emissions generated from daily commutes.

Talk About Organizations You Support

You may be in an industry where there aren’t many opportunities to connect what you do or sell to eco-conscious initiatives. However, you can include a commitment to helping environmental organizations do work around the world by offering financial support and partnerships within your sustainability statement. You may even consider pledging a certain dollar amount or revenue percentage by a specific date.

It’s Okay to Keep Your Statement Simple

There’s no need to devote an entire branch of your company to environmental sustainability to be able to be a force of good! You may want to create a voluntary board within your company that focuses on introducing responsible practices if you’re a smaller brand. The emphasis is really on creating small, meaningful changes that will allow your company to stay accountable based on what is included in your environmental-sustainability statement. Even your actual statement can be very brief. State your company’s values regarding preserving the environment and natural resources by implementing sustainable, ethical practices in day-to-day operations. Anything from a paragraph to a page will do!

Defining your brand values is a great way to connect with clients. Make the decision to put out an environmental-sustainability statement in 2021 to help your brand become a part of the positive movements that are happening in the business world today. If you’re already practicing sustainable and responsible techniques, this is definitely something to put out there as an example to others!


About the Author

Sharon Muniz

Sharon Muniz established her software development consulting firm in Reston, VA after 15 years of working in the software industry. NCN Technology helps clients implement best practices and software to drive their business to success. Ms. Muniz is skilled at strategic planning, business process management, technology evaluation, project and agile software development methodologies.

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