What Will Websites Be Like in 2021?

Sharon Muniz
February 1, 2021
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What Will Websites Be Like in 2021?

What will websites be like in 2021? The exciting thing about digital landscapes is that they both influence and reflect culture. As a result, a website can be like a mirror into the present. It’s clear to see that the happenings of 2020 will significantly influence the digital updates of 2021. Let’s take a look at the three big things we can expect from websites in 2021.

1. The Rise of Beautiful, Vivid Product Photography


In 2021, crisp and vivid pictures will become more common on websites related to all industries. However, this is especially true in the world of e-commerce. This is because fewer people are making trips to stores to shop for what they need. However, they are still hungry for that “tangible” aspect of shopping, including seeing products from all angles. If you run an e-commerce platform, you’ll need to dedicate time and resources to creating very vivid product photography that allows customers to enjoy the “market” experience from their phones and computers.


2. More Faces


After spending a year on Zoom calls, people are expecting their digital experiences to be more human. That’s why we can expect more websites in all genres to feature more “faces.” This can mean several things. First, brands can be expected to increasingly feature “humans” in their design strategies. Customers and clients don’t want to see bland, abstract websites that lack the human component. In a time of limited human interaction, they want to feel connected with humans when they connect to sites. We’ll see the trend of humanizing websites manifest in 2021 through more interactive features that create human connections. Generally, the easiest way for businesses to do this is through live-chat and chat-bot features that allow people to ask questions in real-time. People won’t be satisfied with websites that are static “placeholders” where they can’t get assistance.


3. Serene Designs


While websites may shift toward becoming more human-centered spaces, we’re also going to see digital spaces take a more soothing turn. The stress of 2020 has caused many people to seek ways to feel soothed. A website full of chaotic design, confusing elements or “loud” features doesn’t fit the bill. People have a difficult time making decisions when they feel anxious. As a result, they may “click away” before deciding if a website is too jarring.


Expect to see a trend where brands try to lure consumers into quiet funnels that feel like escapes from the rest of the world. This can be achieved through calming colors and positive, reassuring copy. The tones that brands use in their website copy will also be encouraging and helpful. Expect to see content that solves problems instead of posing difficult questions. For brands, this means expressing a desire to “help” or “take care of clients” as they shop, research products or book appointments.


The Look Ahead: 2021 Will Be a Revolutionary Year for Websites


Too much has changed in the last year for our digital spaces to stay the same. That’s why we can expect considerable shifts in expectations and usage when it comes to digital visitors. Brands have an incredible opportunity in 2021 to design online spaces for the 2021 mindset! Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with more clients online by building a space that feeds them what they want!



About the Author

Sharon Muniz

Sharon Muniz established her software development consulting firm in Reston, VA after 15 years of working in the software industry. NCN Technology helps clients implement best practices and software to drive their business to success. Ms. Muniz is skilled at strategic planning, business process management, technology evaluation, project and agile software development methodologies.

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