How Will the IoT (Internet of Things) Change Assisted Living?

Sharon Muniz
October 24, 2018
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How Will the IoT (Internet of Things) Change Assisted Living?

As each generation advances in knowledge and use of the internet and “smart” devices, our homes are becoming more and more loaded with information to collect. That is no different for those in Assisted Living Facilities. One might be surprised by the increase in level of care supplied by those facilities that are making effective use of the IoT in today’s technology-rich market. The possibilities seem almost endless, but here is a rundown of a few of the changes that will make the care of our elderly loved ones more efficient through the use of smart devices and “smart environments”.

A smart room
The cutting edge technologies available today are able to gather information and data about the resident in the room and revert that data immediately, into active, real-time responses.

Sensors can be fitted throughout a facility, to capture information that is sent to relevant parties such as the resident’s nominated healthcare provider, nurses or aged care workers internally. Residents would have the choice of wearing smartwatches that can allow the facility’s staff to know the location and well-being of its residents at any time, so they can respond to queries and requests.

This technology allows interested loved ones or staff in the facility the ability to go into a portal to see what their loved one is doing, with secure permissions, of course. They can know whether or not mom is in her room and available for a call, or if she’s having physical therapy and the call should wait. They can monitor changes in eating habits, sleep patterns, and so much more, all with the help of the Internet of Things.

More personal with more information
Through the implementation of these technologies, nurses and other care workers would be able to respond to residents not just in person, but also via voice or video. Furthermore, they could be more proactive in their care. Because of all the biometric information the sensors in the room and wearable devices can capture, the system would be able to alert staff ahead of time if there’s a possibility of something happening, rather than staff waiting to react to an incident.

Another advantage of this interconnectivity is that staff would be able to see a screen for the resident they are talking to, containing information specific to that person’s needs and preferences. So it wouldn’t matter who was on duty or how familiar they may or may not be with the residents, each staff member would be able to access notes to assist in providing personalized care for every resident.

Better management of independence
There’s no denying that one of the most challenging aspects of deciding whether or not to enter assisted living is the feeling of losing one’s independence. No one wants to make a parent feel that way and very few individuals see past this potential risk when considering the subject for themselves.

This is an area that has seen great improvements in the assisted living industry already. Thanks to better monitoring systems, improved communication and advanced technology, residents are given greater freedom to live independently until or unless the need arises to give them more support. Many people might not think the IoT is critical to the care of our elderly loved ones, but as you can see, there are many benefits available with these interactive devices that share information.

If you are an Assisted Living Facility that would like to discuss ways to create and manage network systems that will bring these technologies to your residents and their carers, please contact NCN Technology for a free consultation.


About the Author

Sharon Muniz

Sharon Muniz established her software development consulting firm in Reston, VA after 15 years of working in the software industry. NCN Technology helps clients implement best practices and software to drive their business to success. Ms. Muniz is skilled at strategic planning, business process management, technology evaluation, project and agile software development methodologies.

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