Why Your Website Needs Call to Actions on Every Page

Sharon Muniz
September 29, 2021
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Why Your Website Needs Call to Actions on Every Page


Did you know that only 7% of visitors to your website will take a desired action? That means that 93% of people won’t do what you want them to, which is why it’s vital for every page on your site to have a call-to-action. But how can you make sure these CTAs are working? The answer is in the design. There are four ways in particular where CTA design could impact business results:


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – The way website visitors search online is changing. Google recently released a report showing that more people are using voice searches rather than typing, making it even more important to ensure your website can be found in audio format. However, there’s also another reason why good design for call-to-actions works better with SEO: when the CTA contributes keyword phrases or specific words relevant to what you’re selling or offering, this helps improve rankings in places like Google Shopping and other areas where results are listed alphabetically by business name/product/service keywords. This means if someone does an image search of “towel storage,” they’ll see your website associated with towels because of the CTAs on your website.

– Keeping Visitors Engaged – The first step to a good online marketing plan is often the hardest: getting people to visit your site in the first place! According to Hubspot, 93% of website visitors won’t take action even if they visited through organic search or an ad campaign. So how do you get someone who’s already shown interest in what you’re selling/offering? You provide them with a call-to-action that encourages their next move and shows continued engagement on your website. By encouraging users (for example) to subscribe via email for updates, download something like a free trial offer, start reading blog posts related specifically about their needs as potential buyers…you can keep those visits active and moving forward towards purchase.

– Conversion Rates – A lot of website owners might think that there’s no difference between a website with one call-to-action and another website with three. But as Hubspot suggests, you need to make sure those CTAs are working for you by maximizing their potential! If someone clicks on your “Subscribe” button but then doesn’t complete the form or check out after entering their email address, what kind of conversion rate does this represent? Not very good at all. In fact it could mean less than a quarter of people who click on the call-to-action will actually take action, which is why making each of these links matter can have a huge impact.  For website design that really works, you need to maximize your CTAs.

– Getting More Feedback – There’s no better way than through a call-to-action for website owners to get more feedback from website visitors about what they like or dislike about the site and its content! Maybe users are taking time out of their day just so they can give you valuable feedback. It’s worth it to create website design that works for this purpose, whether they’re leaving comments on your blog posts or filling out a form that asks for website feedback in general.


Since website visitors are coming to your website for a specific reason (for example, they want to buy something), it is important that you provide them with clear links and buttons on how to do so!

This will help give an idea of what action should be taken next. For instance, if someone landed on your website searching for “best yoga mat” then make sure there is a button or link under this keyword phrase which allows people easily find out more about each product through pricing information or customer reviews. Not only does call-to-action add convenience in finding products but also helps increase conversions by 70%! So take advantage of these stats and incorporate better user experience into your website design today!


About the Author

Sharon Muniz

Sharon Muniz established her software development consulting firm in Reston, VA after 15 years of working in the software industry. NCN Technology helps clients implement best practices and software to drive their business to success. Ms. Muniz is skilled at strategic planning, business process management, technology evaluation, project and agile software development methodologies.

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