5 Ways Companies Can Improve Business Operations

Sharon Muniz
November 29, 2022
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5 Ways Companies Can Improve Business Operations

Your business technology isn’t really working for you unless it’s improving business operations. Applications that are specific to your business can help you meet your goals. In a world where technology can be tailored to your unique business needs, efficiencies can be gained by adding things such as inspection apps or inventory apps. 

Take a look at how better apps make your business better.

#1 Make It Easy To Conduct Fleet Inspections

Many businesses deal with compliance metrics and routine inspections. Vehicle inspection, for example, is one of the most difficult compliance categories for businesses that operate fleets. Your business needs to check boxes for internal procedures, state regulations, federal regulations, local law enforcement, and more. 

Businesses and governing agencies can use inspection apps to improve inspection quality and efficiency, without burdening drivers and administrative staff with paperwork. Apps replace folders of paperwork using a single portal for conducting inspections, submitting photos, and creating comments. Apps can even ensure that protocols are followed by delivering alerts when inspections are due.

Case Study 

NCN Technology was recently selected as the vendor of a Midwestern state seeking an app to keep records of school bus inspections to increase student safety. In order to bring the app to life, the NCN team needed to:

  • Implement the user interface
  • Code all screenshots for inspections, database designs, and reviews
  • Develop and deploy web services
  • Create navigation and flow between app pages
  • Create secure logins with permissions
  • Synchronize data with a central repository
  • Create inspection reports

NCN Technology was able to launch the mobile application on time, on budget, and to the exact specifications required by state inspectors. Our app is now an integral part of keeping students safer by giving drivers and state authorities a way to track which buses require attention before they pose safety risks. This was one of our favorite projects to date because it was focused on student safety.

#2 Track Inventory in Real-Time 

Inventory management can either make or break a company. A well-designed inventory app allows companies to manage inventory by location in real time. Products are never left to linger “off the record” because staff members can manage all transactions using dynamic reporting. Dynamic search filters ensure that you can make replenishment decisions based on sales trends, and a well designed application can send you alerts when it is time to reorder and even place orders automatically for you. 

#3 Keep Tabs on System Performance

Apps that monitor system performance automate the daily operations that ensure that systems are functioning as expected, and alert businesses and/or users when there is a problem or the system is behaving abnormally.. A well designed system monitoring app will analyze performance data and handle tasks such as scheduling, dispatching, sending estimates, and generating invoices. 

#4 Make Equipment Inspections a Breeze

Elevator operators, for example, can use custom elevator inspection apps to ensure that elevator sites are functioning properly by verifying that proper testing and inspections are taking place. This same app can also save time and reduce expenses. The “real time” aspect provided by cloud-operated apps is especially important in the high-stakes category of elevator functionality. That’s why an app’s ability to create notifications for problems and malfunctions is so important. An app can also serve as a documentation hub for generating PDF reports and Excel reports that are synced across multiple devices.

NCN makes inspections easy for an international engineering and manufacturing company. Our custom app automates the paper inspection process, streamlines processes, improves reporting, and reduces business risk. Our team built the app in Office 365 using custom forms to capture key data points that are pertinent to the firm’s daily operations. We also created a custom dashboard for managing pooled data from inspections and reports in one location.

#5 Monitor Product Usage

Businesses can provide better care when they use apps to manage usage of stockroom inventories. For instance, an app-based inventory system for a dental office simplifies the task of properly stocking devices needed for cleanings, dental surgery, and other procedures. Staff members can track product usage in real time trigger to keep inventory logs up to date. An app can easily be programmed to notify the business when items are running low, to prevent a situation where a critical item is not available in the office. Ordering and price comparison are just two of many additional features that can be added to an app to ensure that your company is always using the right products at the best price.

Inspection and Inventory Apps Enable Businesses to Improve Business Operations 

NCN Technology gets to work at helping our clients build proprietary apps that allow them to meet their business objectives. It’s clear that these apps save time, money, and improve overall efficiency. 

Does your business need a custom app for inspections, inventory, or other key business operations? Reach out to NCN Technology to discover what’s possible!


About the Author

Sharon Muniz

Sharon Muniz established her software development consulting firm in Reston, VA after 15 years of working in the software industry. NCN Technology helps clients implement best practices and software to drive their business to success. Ms. Muniz is skilled at strategic planning, business process management, technology evaluation, project and agile software development methodologies.

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