Facebook’s New VR Remote Work App in Beta Testing Now

Facebook’s New VR Remote Work App in Beta Testing Now
What’s New In Technology
Article Reference: Live Mint
With our new remote world not coming to an end what seems like anytime soon, many different companies are seeing how they can contribute or help with alleviating the stress of working remotely. Facebook is now introducing a test application with the help of Oculus to create a virtual reality office space that is very interactive.
“According to Facebook, this new method of interaction could soon become the future workspace calling it a ‘metaverse’. In order to use the app called Horizon Workroom, users will have to use Oculus Quest 2 headsets to hold meetings as avatar versions of themselves.”
This new application is currently being beta tested. Facebook is working with Oculus to enter into not only the VR world but possibly the AR world as well. The company did a high level overview of how the application will work. People will be participating in the app as avatars of themselves being able to work with other team members’ avatars’ by joining conferences and collaborating on whiteboards, documents etc all while doing so from their own screens.
The new application will be free to download although the equipment needed from Oculus will cost around $300. This new platform is currently being used by Facebook’s employees and can include up to 16 people in the office space and up to 50 people in a conference room. Facebook has also assured its users that no work content or conversations will be exploited for use of public advertising.
Remote work is the new norm for most companies right now, VR and AR are becoming more and more common to make spaces feel more real. Facebook is just one company out of many that are dipping their feet into this new norm. If you are considering adding VR or AR to your website or mobile app please contact NCN here.
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