Meet OneDrop Designs

Meet OneDrop Designs
NCN Technology Helps Visionary Entrepreneurs Capitalize on
an Unfulfilled Need in a Booming Market by Building a
Powerful, Scalable, User-Friendly e-Commerce Platform
A successful vice president of marketing for a mid-sized company in Newport News, Brad harbored a dream. He wanted to launch a side business that would create a strong second revenue source for his family to provide opportunity and financial freedom.
Brad and his wife, JoLynn, had already created a successful side business as top-level distributors of doTERRA essential oils and related products. It was while growing this business that Brad conceived his “Big Idea.”
While building his doTERRA business, Brad observed a unique distinction between distributors who thrived – and those who struggled and even gave up. It all boiled down to access to marketing, specifically, their ability to find effective tools that told their story and shared their passion for doTERRA products.
Some distributors, Brad and JoLynn included, found the marketing easy and natural to do. (Thank you, corporate career!) Many of their fellow Wellness Advocates, however, were challenged and frustrated by the process. Sure, they had access to a limited selection of doTERRA-provided marketing resources. But to really make their marketing machines hum, they needed more.
More content. More resources. And more of their personal story.
Brad’s idea was simple – yet revolutionary.
He dreamed of building an e-commerce platform, OneDrop Designs, where doTERRA Wellness Advocates could access high-quality doTERRA graphics, photos, printable templates, presentations, business training, enrollment strategies, and another ready-made, packaged media.
Creating these powerful marketing tools that stand out and speak to consumers in today’s digital world?
The world’s best freelance designers, photographers, and content creators around the world, who earn commissions based on the popularity of the resources they create.
The e-commerce website that Brad dreamed of the building was complex. It needed to be user-friendly, easily scalable, and secure. And it needed to be launched quickly.
Brad found a fellow top-level doTERRA distributor, Keeli, to join his new business venture. Next, the entrepreneurial duo started looking for a strong technology partner that could not only build their e-commerce website but also architect the website logic and ensure that when it launched, the experience was incredible. They wanted someone who could be flexible and responsive to their needs – and who was excited about their vision as they were.
During his decades of corporate marketing, Brad had worked with many different types of website development teams. He knew he needed a company he could trust to deliver this complex solution within a reasonable budget – without the need for him to micro-manage the process. His career demanded long hours, creative thinking, and focused attention. He was unwilling to compromise the quality of his work or commitment to his employer to launch his dream.
Having worked with NCN Technology in his corporate job, Brad reached out to discuss his idea. Like so many visionary entrepreneurs, he had the passion and a load of questions. What would it take? How long? Where should we host it? Will you be able to build our website to look the way we want it to? There are some functions that we aren’t quite sure how they will work — can you give us some ideas?
NCN guided Brad and Keeli through the process of transforming their dream and vision into an executable, phased plan. Then work began. NCN handled all planning, development, execution, implementation, and training for a new public-facing internet site for OneDrop. The team also built a non-public-facing back end to the internet site for administration and management purposes.
The OneDrop e-commerce website was developed at a blistering pace and launched within 7 months. To ensure high user satisfaction, the website is visually rich, extremely intuitive, and user friendly, with lightning-fast visual search results that serve up all of the content relevant to search keywords and concepts across all categories and file types.
The website also enables customers to submit item and feature requests to help shape the future value provided, giving OneDrop valuable insight into what subscribers want, while giving customers a sense of buy-in and ownership.
Launched in June 2019, the site recouped Brad’s and Keeli’s investments In addition, it’s continually expanding its stable of graphic designers and other contributor members who are attracted by the company’s unique revenue-sharing structure.
Brad Jones “Sharon…..this release of features has been a huge game-changer……exactly how we envisioned…. and I’m just blown away how your team was able to execute literally exactly how we had hoped. No compromises, no changes, just exactly what we envisioned. Kudos to you and your team. . we are super excited for what the future holds and all the ideas so thanks again!”
Learn more about OneDrop Designs here:
Are you a visionary who sees an unfulfilled need or untapped potential in a market – and you have an idea for a technology platform that will help many people? Let’s talk! We love partnering with change-makers who want to disrupt industries. Book a complimentary, no-obligation strategy session here.
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