business app

Stay updated with the latest technology trends and stories shared by NCN Team.

Generative AI: Prioritize Opportunities

Introduction In the rapidly evolving world of generative artificial intelligence (AI), businesses find themselves at a crossroads. Generative AI, with its ability to create new content and provide innovative solutions, presents an array of opportunities. However, diving into this technological revolution requires meticulous planning and strategic prioritization. In this post,…

Sharon Muniz

AI AI Integration Artificial Intelligence business app

Business and Technical Team Alignment

Why It’s Essential To Align Business and Technical Teams To Achieve Optimal Results When it comes to running a successful business, it’s not just about the bottom line. It’s also about aligning your business and technical teams to ensure everyone is on the same page and working together to reach…

Jessica Lee

Application Development business app CTO CTO Consulting Services Outsourced CTO Web Development

Enterprise Mobile Application

NCN designs and develops an enterprise application to facilitate the regulation of  hunting and fishing licenses. The Challenge The Department of Natural Resource officers needed a fast and easy way to search and validate hunting and fishing licenses in the field,to ensure they are up to date.  Accessing the data…

Sharon Muniz

Application Development business app mobile application mobile development

Building an Assessment App

NCN Architects and Develops a Building Assessment Application. NCN was chosen to provide enterprise application development services for a small engineering firm. The client was anticipating major updates of its internal planning and costing applications when NCN submitted a bid. These interfaces are critical for the building engineers because they…

Sharon Muniz

Application Development business app Inspection App Mobile App

How Much Does It Cost to Maintain a Mobile Application?

How much does it cost to maintain a mobile app? We all have an idea of ​​how much mobile app development costs. But as a leading business that experiences regular ups and downs, have you ever considered the cost of maintaining a mobile app? When a company approaches a mobile…

Sharon Muniz

Application Development application maintenance branded mobile application business app website maintenance dc

Have you created a Frankenstein Application for your business?

Have you created a lot of different applications that don’t work together for your business?  Do you have a love/hate relationship with your Franken App because you created it, hence you love it but you hate it because you know this monster is destroying your business?  We get it.  We…

Sharon Muniz

Application Development business app

Microsoft is Taking the First Steps in Passwordless Security

  What’s New In Technology Article Reference: BBC   We all know how annoying and hard to keep up with our passwords for all of our apps and devices is. This is exactly why Microsoft is doing away with passwords. “Microsoft has announced users can now delete all passwords from…

Sharon Muniz

Application Development business business app business success customer experience Cyber Security technology

Reddit Has Now Introduced Video: Video is the Future of Social Media

  What’s New In Technology! Article Reference: The Verge   Video is becoming more popular amongst various social media platforms. The most popular platform featuring video feeds is TikTok. Instagram and Facebook have both created more video available features as well as video algorithms to show people videos they might…

Sharon Muniz

Application Development best ecommerce website branded mobile application business app Digital Marketing Trends Mobile App mobile development Web Development